Friday, March 22, 2013

TWO Years Old

I know I made this exact statement last year, but it is so crazy to write this post. Carter, we can't believe you are two already. Last year I said that I hoped this year would go slower because time seems to be a warp speed, but looking back, it has flown by...again.  It is great to watch you learn new things, change and see your personality continue to grow.

Carter at TWO years old you:

-weigh 27lbs, 15.8ozs (50th percentile)
-are 34 inches tall (30th percentile)
-have a 50.4cm head circumference (85th percentile)--Troy genes for sure. :)
-got one shot at your doctor's appointment and just looked at the lady like "what are you doing", not a tear was shed. 
-are one tough kid.  You shake off most bumps, bruises and scratches.
-are in a size 5 diaper.  No potty training has even begun.
-are pretty much wearing 24mth or 2T clothes.  Some of the pants are a little long, but not too bad (see 30th percentile for height above).
-wear size 6 shoes.
-love to sit and read your books with daddy and I.
-have a few words you say, but are not full out talking yet.
-answer "yes" to most every question asked.  We are not sure how we got a toddler that rarely says no, but we will take it and love the way you say yes.
-sometimes get angry when we try to help you with something too soon before you have tried to do it yourself.  You will accept the help if you can't seem to get it though.
-will pick toys out and then try to make a deal with us to take it wherever we are going.
-would be outside all day if you could.
-hate to have the sun in your eyes.
-are picky about food right now.  The list of what you will eat is not very long.  Hopefully that list will expand again in the next year.
-would eat only fruit if we let you.
-have a love/hate relationship with Eddie.  It totally depends on the day.  Eddie is always so patient with you though...he is well aware you are his best source for food.
-love to look for bugs.
-laugh when we are laughing at things, even if you have no idea what we are laughing about.
-have a funny little personality. 

...And so ends the second year of your life. We love you!

And just for a little comparison, this is you at 1.  You look so much older now and like a little boy (sniff, sniff), but still oh so cute!

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