Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Hunt is On

When we moved from Highlands Ranch, we were definitely sad about leaving things like neighbors, favorite spots and our first house, but one of the other things was all the random events they had for kids.  Carter was just getting to the age to enjoy them and we were leaving.  Thankfully, we have moved to an area that seems to have a lot of stuff for kids also.  We are starting to learn what all of those are.

We hit up the Broomfield Easter Egg Hunt this year and Carter was all over it.  We weren't sure how he would do, since we had never done an Easter egg hunt before, but since it involved candy, he had no issues.  He jumped right in the mass of kids and fought for his candy (away from all the girls apparently based on the pictures.  They had roped off an area for different age groups and just threw the eggs in, it wasn't really a hunt.  The area was WAY too small for the number of people in his age group, but he did great.  He was pretty excited and wanted to start eating the candy right away. 

Much to our surprise he also let the Easter bunny hold him and get his picture taken.  We were shocked!
The event capped off with everyone getting a balloon, which couldn't of thrilled Carter more.

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