Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

We decided to have Easter lunch at our house this year instead of trying to brave a restaurant.  It worked out perfectly and we had lots of great food.  It was a gorgeous day, and actually a little hot.  We got to spend some time in the backyard and Carter entertained everyone. 

After lunch, we did a small Easter egg hunt in the backyard and then it was time for some bike riding and baseball.  Carter was in heaven with pretty much all focus on him and lots of family to push him on his bike or pitch to him for hitting practice.  He even got in some fake sleeping time in with Mary and Dave.  It was a wonderful day.



Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Little Color

We let Carter dye a few eggs for Easter this year and he did great.  Scott was concerned we might have dye all over the house, but we succeeded in only spilling one cup on the table and I think Scott caused it. :)  Carter had lots of fun and was very intense about the process.


The Hunt is On

When we moved from Highlands Ranch, we were definitely sad about leaving things like neighbors, favorite spots and our first house, but one of the other things was all the random events they had for kids.  Carter was just getting to the age to enjoy them and we were leaving.  Thankfully, we have moved to an area that seems to have a lot of stuff for kids also.  We are starting to learn what all of those are.

We hit up the Broomfield Easter Egg Hunt this year and Carter was all over it.  We weren't sure how he would do, since we had never done an Easter egg hunt before, but since it involved candy, he had no issues.  He jumped right in the mass of kids and fought for his candy (away from all the girls apparently based on the pictures.  They had roped off an area for different age groups and just threw the eggs in, it wasn't really a hunt.  The area was WAY too small for the number of people in his age group, but he did great.  He was pretty excited and wanted to start eating the candy right away. 

Much to our surprise he also let the Easter bunny hold him and get his picture taken.  We were shocked!
The event capped off with everyone getting a balloon, which couldn't of thrilled Carter more.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's a Zoo Out There

I took a few days off during Spring Break to spend some quality time with Scott and Carter.  Although we had some other things to do too, like a tax appointment and a doctor's appointment, we wanted to make sure we did some fun things with Carter.  The zoo was definitely on our list.  We hadn't taken Carter yet and he is really in to all of that stuff lately.  He (and we) had a great time.  Carter especially loved the train and the carousel.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Picture Perfect

While we were on spring break, we decided to get some professional pictures taken of Carter.  We went to a park in Longmont that worked out perfectly.  Carter did great and we ended up getting some great shots of him.  Heather with Artistic Images did a wonderful job of keeping Carter on the move and doing different things to get the shots.  We are so glad we have A LOT of pictures of Carter at 2.  These are just a few.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Need for Speed

Spring break started with a trip to Bass Pro.  I was at work and got these pictures of Carter.  I am pretty sure we are in trouble in the future.  He already loves Great Grandma Helen's 4-wheeler and now he is checking out boats too!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

2nd Birthday Take Two

We attempted to have Carter's birthday party on Saturday, but mother nature didn't really like our plan.  Saturday brought a mild snowstorm.  We didn't think it was fair to make everyone try to drive in the snow so we postponed until Sunday.  Thankfully everyone could still make it.  We were so grateful to everyone for changing their plans. 

Carter's party this year was a sports ball themed.  It is pretty much the number one focus for him and has been for quite some time.  If there is a ball of any kind nearby, he is throwing it or hitting it.  We are hoping that lasts until it is time for a scholarship one day.  We will see. :)

Carter had a great party with lots of family.  He got some more great stuff for his birthday.  It is a good thing we moved because Carter's stuff is starting to take over...but he loves it.

Scott was brave and volunteered to be the piƱata holder for the kids.  It is taking your life in to your own hands when Carter is swinging.
Cousin Grady was an awesome help and helped Carter open all of his presents.  Grady was a pro since he just had a birthday not long before this.
Funny enough, Great Aunt Mary got Carter a grill.  It went great with Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Joe's grilling present.  

I am pretty sure I get this look at least a couple times a day now.  :)

Holy two year old!