Tuesday, November 22, 2011

EIGHT Months Old

Carter you are EIGHT months old. Where has the time gone. Things are changing every day and it is amazing to watch you.

Carter at eight months you:

-are probably around or little over 20lbs now and getting longer. We are not sure of the exact numbers because you haven't been to the doctor but we will find out next month.
-have some cute little toes sticking out of a few PJs which is why we know you are getting longer. :)
-are still in a size 3 diaper. You could probably move up but don't quite have to yet.
-are wearing mostly 9mth or 6-12mth clothes now (depending on the brand), but they are starting to get small.
-still have bright blue eyes.
-have some more hair. The hair on the back of your head is really growing in since you are not just laying on your back all the time now.
-still reach for EVERYTHING.
-love to bang things.
-can be very loud.
-have two more teeth coming in, the top two front ones. This will make a total of four.
-are still rolling all over the place and are perfecting which way to roll to get to what you want.
-love pulling your socks off and then grabbing your feet.
-are getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. Every once in a while you can "hop/propel" yourself forward. We have a feeling crawling is just around the corner.
-eating different types of food now. We haven't found anything you don't like yet.
-are drinking through a straw.
-smile at just about anything.
-laugh at random words
-make your daddy and I smile and laugh about you all the time!

Also, just a little comparison of Carter at 2, 4, 6 and 8 months old (all on the same blanket). Crazy how much change has occurred.

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