Friday, November 25, 2011


For the first time, Carter was able to meet all of his first cousins. I think he was a hit with them. He was able to hang out with his second and third cousins too. We are very thankful for all of them and hope we can see them a lot more.

Paige, Ella and Carter

Ella, Audrey, Paige and Carter

Paige, Joey and Ella

Joey, Paige and Carter on the 4-wheeler

Grandma Helen, Joey, Ella, Paige and Audrey

Audrey and Carter

Ella and Paige (they were quite the pair all weekend)

Audrey and Carter (looks like quite the babysitter, if only she lived closer)

Tiffany and Laine (in her skinny jeans)

Carter and Isla

Carter shocked that Isla just gives him a kiss and leaves (although I guess that is a good thing since they are cousins). : )

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