Carter is three months old. I know I say this every month, but I can't believe he is already this big. It is great to watch him grow and learn new things, but it is going by very fast!
Carter, at three months you:
-Have definitely gained some more weight since your two month appointment but we are not sure how much. You are such a good eater.
-You are now taking a bottle during the day, since I went back to work, and it hasn't been a problem at all.
-Are still in size 1 diapers but probably only because we are using up the last of them. When they are all gone,we will move up to size 2 diapers...probably in a week or so.
-You are in 3-6 month clothes.
-Your eyes are still bright blue.
-You love to sleep on your belly for your naps...which might be a problem when you start daycare.
-You are now spending your days with dad and having a great time. You are always very smiley.
-You love to 'talk' and interact.
-You are up about once a night and then up in the morning around 6am. We are trying to get a schedule going but still working on it.
-You are still such a good baby and can sleep and go just about anywhere without any trouble.
-You love to go for walks and ride in your stroller.
We love you very much and can't wait to see what all your stats are at your 4 month appointment.
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