Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last Day :(

Today was the last day before I have to go back to work...boooooooooo. I can't believe how fast 12 weeks has gone by. Tomorrow is going to be VERY hard. I wish I could stay home with Carter, but it just isn't how things are going to work. I know it will get easier, but I am definitely not looking forward to this after getting to be home with him for so long. It has been a great 12 weeks! I hope he doesn't forget about me. :) So glad Scott is staying home with him until August though, it definitely helps!!! I am going to miss talking to this little guy during the day and looking at him while he naps with his monkey. :) He is so cute!


  1. He IS adorable, though! That madras plaid on his overalls is adorable. He is a precious little sweetheart--good thing Scott will be with him this summer, and then you'll find a daycare that you trust and love, and it will make things easier. You are making his future even better!
