Saturday, May 30, 2015

Interview with a 4 year old

Or a 4 year, 2 month old.  Again this year, I was late with the interview.  Time moves way too fast. The funny thing about this interview is that I am typing it 6 months later (yes, I am way behind, but trying to get caught up) and lots of the answers have already changed.:)

1.  What is your favorite color?  Purple
2.  What is your favorite toy?  Dinosaurs
3.  What is your favorite thing to eat?  Chicken
4.  What is your favorite TV show?  Airplane movie
5.  What is your favorite outfit to wear?  Monster truck shirt
6.  Where do we live?  Colorado
7.  What are your favorite animals?  Zebras (totally random??)
8.  What does Mommy do for work?  Play (again this year, hmmmm)
9.  What does Dad do for work?  Dance (Scott may or may not do this at work)
10.  What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Slide down the fireman pole at the park
11.  Who is your best friend?  Oakley (a friend at school)
12.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  Baseball player
13.  What's your favorite game to play?  Pinball (he has a mini one)
14.  What do you like to take to bed with you?  A stuffed animal
15.  What's your favorite thing to do with mom?  Play
16.  What's your favorite thing to do with dad?  Go to his work (probably because they dance)
17.  What's your favorite treat?  Ketchup (not sure about this one)
18.  What is your favorite movie?  Dinosaur movie
19.  If you could go anywhere, where would you want to go?  Colorado mines
20.  What makes you happy?  Playing with toys and watching shows on the phone
21.  What makes you sad?  Not playing with toys
22.  What makes you scared?  Dinosaurs
23.  What is your favorite sport?  Soccer, baseball and Football
24.  What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  Chocolate!
25.  What is your favorite song?  Speckled Frogs

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