Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chiefs vs. Broncos

Pa Tom and Grandma Ann agreed to bring the RV up for tailgating at the Chiefs/Broncos game this year.  Since it was a warm day, we decided Carter could go along for tailgating.  We loaded up at the house and then headed to the game.  Carter thought he was big stuff in the front seat of the RV.

Carter had a great time running around, getting to watch the early games on the TV outside and getting really, really dirty.  Although it is hard to see in the pictures, Carter's shirt was brown by the end of the day.  Scott fully admitted that the white outfit he got Carter, probably wasn't the best choice.  Carter and white are not a good combination.

Carter was able to stay in the RV with Pa Tom and take a nap during the game.  

And, even though the Chiefs blew it at the end, missed their opportunity to win the game AND there was a little too much of Scott and his friend, a great time was had by all.

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