Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fire Station

Arly, the son of a guy that Scott works with, had a birthday party that Carter was invited to attend.  The party was at a fire station.  The firemen and paramedics took the kids on a tour of the fire house and they were allowed to climb on the fire engine and ambulance.  Carter listened, checked everything out and loved getting to see inside the trucks.


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Caught on Film

We did professional pictures of Carter again this year.  We love having the memories of him at each age.  Definitely money well spent! 

We opted for some indoor pictures this time and found a great candy/ice cream store in Arvada called Scrumptious.  There were also some train tracks across the street that we went to after.  We asked Heather with Artistic Images to take the pictures again because we loved the ones from last year so much.  She did not disappoint.  She did a great job capturing Carter's personality in the pictures.  Age 3 definitely needed to be memorialized and we are once again so glad we have A LOT of pictures of Carter.  These are just "a few".




Friday, April 25, 2014


Practice number 3 was completely entertaining.  Carter did great dribbling around the cones, shooting and playing goalie.  This was about the last practice that went smoothly in the eight week experience.  :)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday

Easter this year started with an Easter egg hunt at home.  Carter was thrilled.  It was fun to watch how excited he was about finding eggs that the Easter bunny had left for him.

After hunting eggs and getting his basket at home, we headed to brunch with the Maresh side of the family.  The cutest Easter bunny, who was full of energy, joined us.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Saturday

We celebrated Easter on Saturday with all of the Helmicks'.  Aunt Gayla outdid herself as usual and hid Easter eggs for each of the kids and color coded them so they would each search for their own color.  Carter loved it. 


We love getting to spend time with them...even if it doesn't look like it in pictures.  :)


Duck Race

Scott's school had a Duck Race fundraiser at school and 5 ducks were purchased for Carter to race in the event.  This was the first year for the event so it was small enough to hold it at the rec. center by our house.  Carter and I went while Scott had to go to a meeting.  He was very excited to go watch his duck in the race, and took it very well when none of his ducks even made it to the final heat.  It was fun to watch though and then we got to play outside for a little bit.  I think climbing and jumping off giant rocks  and rolling down hills quickly trumped the ducks.  Whenever we drive by the rec. center now though, Carter will tell us that is where the ducks race.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Cute Cousins

Practice number 2, bring on the giant shirts.  Carter did his drills and ran around a lot yelling for Isla.  He was constantly keeping track of her.

Mexican food with cousins was also on the agenda many nights after practice.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mixed Feelings

How do we go from loving all of this


To aiming the nerf gun at all of them. Boys!  :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Soccer Star

We signed Carter up for spring soccer in Lafayette this year.  It was a "team" for three year olds, which just consisted of practice once a week to do drills.  There were no games. 

Carter was pretty excited for the first practice.  His flair at practice was entertaining and a lot more than any of the other kids thought was necessary, as evidenced by the boy behind him in this picture.

The first practice went well.  He sat and listened to Coach Poncho explain things and then participating in the drills.

One of the best parts of the team though, was that Isla was on it too.