The first two nights went great. There were no questions asked...because he still had a binky in his mouth for bedtime. On the third night, Scott and I figured we wouldn't get much sleep. When we went to bed that night, we put the last binky in the dragon. Carter had a small breakdown and looked at Scott and I and said, "just one more". It was heart breaking, but we decided if we gave in, we would have to start all over. So, we made him put it in the dragon and headed to bed. He cried a little, but nothing like what we thought would happen. He woke up the next morning, asked for it a few times, but hasn't looked back since. The blanket and lion are still a necessity and he can have those until he graduates high school if he wants. :)
We are binky free in our house and Carter did GREAT giving it up. We should have known with the kid takes so much in stride and just keeps going. He rarely has a fit over things we tell him he can't have.
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