Thursday, June 13, 2013

What's Your Vector Victor

Aunt Tasha and Uncle Trevor's wedding had us heading to KC mid-June.  We decided to fly.  Since Carter turned two in March, this was his first flight he had to have his own seat for...and we had to pay for it.  Although it is more expensive for us to fly now, it is actually better for him to have his own seat.  He is getting bigger and it would have been hard to convince him to sit on our laps for the entire flight.  His own seat gave him a little more space and taught him that he needed to be wearing his seat belt.  He was very good about keeping it on during the flight. 

Thankfully, KC isn't a long flight and it was taking us to have lots of fun with family.  The DVD player and fruit snacks, of course, also helped. 

Carter looks like such a little boy all the time now.  It is crazy.  However, these pictures show how bad Carter was in need of a haircut.  We were waiting until right before the wedding, so it would look great while performing his duties.  Prior to that though, it was a little rough.

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