Thursday, December 22, 2011

NINE Months Old

Carter you are NINE months old. We can't believe it! Time is flying by so fast.

Carter at nine months you:

-weigh 20lbs, 10 oz (70th percentile).
-are 28 3/6 inches long (75th percentile).
-have a 45.8cm head circumfrence.
-went to the doctor this month as evidenced by the stats and weren't too upset by it, as evidenced by the photo below.
-are still in a size 3 diaper. You could move up, but we are finishing out the diapers we have.
-are wearing mostly 12mth clothes now. The length is still a little big so, we can get away with a few 9mth pants you have still.
-still have bright blue eyes.
-have more hair.
-are VERY busy.
-know your name.
-make it very hard to go out to eat now. Sitting still is not what you want to do.
-are very social, although you have started to have some stranger apprehension.
-have five teeth and we think a sixth one might be trying to make an appearance.
-roll all over the place.
-pull yourself around to crawl, kind of like doing the worm.
-love for us to hold you up to stand at something.
-are starting to pull up on things.
-still don't have any foods you don't like.
-love to drink through a straw. I think we are just going to bypass the sippy cup.
-have such a cute laugh.
-are very funny.

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