Unfortunately for Carter, he lives in a split household. This is something he will have to live with his entire life. Scott and I both fully support whichever team he might choose to follow, but we all know who the better choice would be.
Carter attended his first NFL game. It was a preseason game, so he will have to make it to another one in the future to say he has been to a regular season game. Since it is only August, it was pretty warm at the game. Not true football weather, but better for a 5 month old.
We went to a Mexican restaurant called La Loma beforehand to grab some dinner. The restaurant is pretty close to the stadium and has a school bus that shuttles people down to the game. You can see in the picture how excited Carter was to be on the bus. Maybe he knows he is a teacher's kid. :)
We got to the stadium and had to make a quick stop at the team store to get official Bronco wear for the game. Carter already has enough Bronco stuff, but it was either too big or winter clothing. He did have a T-shirt on to go to the game, but needed something a little different. We got to our seats and Carter was instantly looking at everything happening around him. He especially loved the jumbo tron. As usual, he was a hit with all the people sitting around us. He always has a smile on his face, so he is definitely approachable. :) Recently though, he has started to show some signs of stranger anxiety. Nothing huge, you can just see the look on his face turn to slight concern.
Carter did great at the game. He made it until the third quarter when the preseason game got a little boring and he fell asleep. He stayed asleep through people cheering, etc. Now, if only we could figure out how to make that last all night.
Here are a few pics of him from the game.
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