Sunday, May 22, 2011

TWO Months Old

Today, Carter turned 2 months old. It is crazy how fast time is going. I feel like we were just at the hospital getting ready to go home.

At 2 months old Carter, you:

-- Weigh 12 pounds, 7 ounces.
-- Are 22 1/2 inches long.
-- Are wearing size 1 diapers.
-- Are in 3 month (although quickly moving out of these) or 3-6 month clothes.
-- Are sleeping about 4-5 hour stretches at night.
-- Are so alert and when you are awake you are constantly busy. Your arms and legs are constantly moving.
-- Are smiling all the time, especially when people talk to you. You are becoming very social.
-- Are so close to laughing. It won't be long.
-- Can roll from your stomach to your back, even if it is an accident most of the time. :)
-- Love your Binkie and so do we!
-- Are quite the traveler and have done great on the car trips we have already taken.
-- Had your 2 month doctor's appointment and did GREAT. You are right where you are supposed to be developmentally etc.. You had three shots and one liquid vaccination. You only cried for about 10 seconds after you got your shots.
-- Are still such a happy baby and pretty mellow (as evidenced by your quick recovery after the shots)

Here are a few two month pictures and a couple from the 2 month doctor's appointment. The second one is right after getting the shots.

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