Monday, September 30, 2013

Quite a Pair

These two are quite a pair lately.  They have so many of the same tendencies, habits, etc.  It is so funny to see.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Thrift Shopping

We decided to walk to dinner one night and took Carter in his wagon.  We ate at a Vietnamese restaurant by the house and stopped by the thrift store next to it on the way home.  So...

this is what we looked like on the way to dinner.

And, this is what we looked on the way home from dinner.  Who can pass up $2 toys.  :)

Homecoming 2013

The Homecoming parade this year was a first for Carter and included a special treat.  Scott was the Grand Marshal of the parade.  Carter and I headed to the parade to watch for Scott.  Obviously being the Grand Marshal, Scott was at the beginning of the parade. He picked up Carter on his way by and  Carter got to ride the rest of the way with Scott in the parade. 

Also, what parade is complete without some low riders that have hydraulics too.
When they got back to the school, we were able to watch the rest of the parade come in and Carter loved it.  He also loaded up on some candy.

After the parade was the Powder Puff football game.  Carter and I watched (although Carter wanted to be on the field with Scott) for a little bit and then headed home for nap time.  It was a gorgeous morning and nice to be out and about to enjoy it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Joy of Baking

Carter loves to help with ANYTHING going on lately.  Baking is no exception.  He and I made cupcakes one day and he could not have been happier.  Now to figure out how to get him to make us dinner each night.

This is the smile you get lately when you ask him to smile for a picture.

If Carter makes you some baked goods though, be aware that he may or may not have stuck his finger in it to taste the batter.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Assistant Coach?

Scott was picked as one of the coaches for the junior girls Powder Puff football team at Westminster H.S. this year.  One practice, Carter went along to "help" coach.  Carter was too interested in playing with the football and the girls were too interested in Carter, so, he was not asked back for a second interview for assistant coach.  He was, however, briefly considered for the place kicker position on the team.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Playmate

Eddie is SO good with Carter.  He lets him do just about anything to him and when he does get annoyed with him, he just gets up and walks away.  Their love for each other is definitely there.

Two and a Half Years Old


Carter you are two and half years old and you are totally entertaining.  At two and a half you:
-weigh about 35 pounds.  We know because they weighed you when we went to the doctor's office.
-have a major sweet tooth.
-are talking more, but not very clearly.
-still have your lion, blanket and binky.
-are a little pickier with what you want to eat.
-love to run and jump.
-are still very athletic and up for playing any kind of sport.
-have a great arm, which usually becomes a problem in the house.
-love to sit with us an "cuddle" and we will take it as long as we can get.
-can pretty much do anything on our smartphones.
-are in size 2T clothes and are finally long enough.
-take after your mother and everything has a place.
-are VERY good at puzzles.
-love cars, construction equipment and crashing things--total boy.
-are very rambunctious--again, all boy.
-are not potty trained.
-just gave up your second nap.
It is crazy that you are already two and a half (and even almost three as I write this, because I am always behind).  You always keep us on our toes and entertained and we love you.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


It would be better if the orange didn't clash so much with the red.  :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Home Depot Workshop

The first Saturday of each month, Home Depot does a free workshop for kids.  Each workshop has a different item for kids to make.  Carter loves to go and hammer in the nails and paint his creation.  This particular Saturday, he brought his own safety goggles.

Dad and Grandpa Tom were there to help too.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Speech Evaluation

This was speech evaluation day.  We took you to the Children's Hospital satellite office not far from the house for your evaluation.  We knew it would be fine because it obviously doesn't include any needles, medical procedures, etc.  You just had to go play with the therapist for a little bit and get evaluated while playing.

You went in and didn't take long to warm up to the therapist.  They had you look at some pictures in a book and point to what the action was or the word they were saying.  You did great at that and actually got bored with it after a while, and would really only participate in that "game" while sitting under the table.  The other part of the evaluation was having you repeat words the therapist was saying.  You tried to repeat almost all of them, but very few were understandable.  Overall, you did very well with the evaluation,f even with being somewhat uninterested in participating for part of the time.

When we received the evaluation back, it told us what we expected.  Your language was below where it should be for your age, but your comprehension was at or above normal.  It stated speech therapy would be a good choice.  It wasn't a huge problem or concern, but that the therapy would just help get you to start talking better.

So, we decided it could only help you and put you on the LONG wait list with Children's Hospital.  Speech therapy is essentially just play therapy, while working on talking about things you are playing with at the time.  It isn't anything that would hurt you and could only help you in the long run.  So, it didn't take long for us to make the decision.  We only want the best for you and will do just about anything to help make that happen.  Can't wait to see how your language develops.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day 2013

While I went to St. Louis to spend some time with the Iverson's for Labor Day and doing these things...

I got pictures from Scott, that he and Carter were doing these things. ???