Monday, April 29, 2013

Bug Catcher/Exterminator

Any bugs in range lately better run away quickly, especially ants.  Carter is constantly on the lookout and quickly picks any up to put in his hand.  The pinch received on the way in to his hand doesn't usually bode well for the bugs, but it doesn't bother him.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

9 Hour Tour

We did the ride home from Kansas City in one day instead of two, like on the way out.  It was a long time in the car for all of us, but especially Carter.  He did great for being in his car set that long.  We only stopped once, because we decided it was worse to get out for a little bit and then make Carter get back in his car seat.  During the car ride we were pretty much letting Carter do whatever made him happy and would keep him entertained. At one point I turned around and saw this.

Good thing it was washable crayons.

Carter doesn't sleep much in the car anymore, and 9 hours without a nap is a long time for a little boy that still takes two.  He fought falling asleep all day, but Scott and I both knew and could tell he needed to.  I told Carter we were all going to rest.  It was the only way to get him to do it too.  I was driving at the time and had to drive with my head propped on my hand leaning over on the armrest to "rest".  He wasn't really believing it otherwise.  Scott actually rested.  :)  It took a little bit, but I turned around a few minutes later and saw this.

It only lasted about 30-45 minutes, but he woke up a little more relaxed and played with his toys for a few minutes after that...before needing to be entertained again.  He did great overall.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Professor Troy


Fast Trip

Scott and I had a wedding to go to in Kansas City, so the three of us loaded up in the car to make the drive for a quick weekend.  We left Thursday night and drove halfway.  We got up early and did the rest Friday morning.  Carter did great on the two halves of the drive.

We went straight to Great Grandma Helen's when we got in town on Friday.  The weather was fairly cool, so we stayed in most of the time.  As usual, we had a wonderful lunch and Carter got some good play time in with Grandma Helen.  He had an excellent time shooting the ping pong ball guns and doing puzzles with Grandma Helen.


Monday, April 22, 2013

The Tooth, The Whole Tooth and Nothing but the Tooth

April 22nd started like any other morning at our house.  We all got up and got ready to start the day.  Scott left for work and Carter and I were heading out the door not far behind him.  As with most forward motion lately, Carter was running.  He tried to stop, tripped and came down on a glass change container we have. 

He instantly started screaming, which was my first sign something was wrong.  He rarely cries when he falls. Then, when I picked him up, he was gushing blood out of his mouth.  I called Scott, since it was still before school started, and we discussed what to do.  Upon initial inspection, I thought he had chipped his tooth.  I called the doctor's office after hours service and the doctor said going to the emergency room would be a waste and we really needed to see a dentist.  There was nothing the doctor's office could do.  Not especially reassuring but glad to know before we possibly attempted the ER.

Since Carter had yet to go to a regular dentist and emergency dentistry is hard to come by, it had to wait until I could figure out what we could do.  I cleaned him up as much as possible, calmed him down and we headed to Dessa's house. 

Thankfully, I found a dentist we could see that afternoon and Carter did GREAT!  He let the dentist look at his teeth and brush them too.  He determined that Carter had actually shoved the tooth back up in to his gums.  OUCH!  Carter seemed to be doing okay and the dentist said we just need to wait and see.

Needless to say, Carter looked a little funky afterward, but it didn't seem to bother him.  He was quickly running through the house again.  Thinking back, we are so lucky the jar didn't break.  His tooth being jammed back in to his gums was bad, but glass breaking in his face could have been much worse.  And, since I am constantly late posting things on the  blog, and I am posting this two months after it happened, I can now say his tooth has come back down and is almost back down to its original spot.  So crazy.

Our little hillbilly.  Don't mind the blood on his face.  His mouth would bleed on and off after the incident.
He was thrilled after going to the dentist, because the dentist gave him a ball for being so good.  The ball lasted all of about an hour before Eddie got it and popped it.
The dentist office was great.  It had a playroom to sit in before going back with movies, toys and video games.  And, the dentist and staff were very friendly.  It was a great find and close to the house.  Guess we found Carter's long term dentist.  We just didn't think we would be doing it yet.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fun Times

Carter loves going over to play with his cousins at Aunt Gayla and Uncle Dan's house.  When the weather is nice they are all outside and on the go.  It is so fun to watch them all play together.


First DU Hockey Game

Carter made it to his first DU Game this season.  Aunt Sally and Uncle George were at the game also.  And, although all 4 of us tried to tell Carter about the puck, he insisted it was a ball.