Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ELEVEN Months Old

Carter, you are eleven months old. Can't believe how close we are to your first birthday. Time has flown by.

Carter at eleven months you:

-weigh 21.4 lbs. We know because we were at the doctor again.
-wear size 4 diapers.
-wear 12mths (mostly bottoms) and 12-18mth clothes.
-have a big sweet tooth.
-have blonde, brown or red hair depending on the day.
-crawl the regular way now.
-pull up to everything.
-love to play patty cake and clap along.
-love the itsy bitsy spider song.
-can wave.
-can recognize lots of objects.
-have two new teeth coming in.
-are VERY attached to your lion and have a meltdown if it is dropped, by you, out of your crib. :)
-also love your blanket and binky.
-still have blue eyes.
-are not talking yet.
-still curl your toes under all the time.
-love to read books with pull tabs.
-are starting to move between objects when you are standing.
-love chapstick and combing your hair.
-LOVE blueberries and would like to eat them all the time.
-are still pretty cute!

We love you!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pre-Birthday Celebration

While we were in Kansas City, Grandma and Grandpa got Carter and I birthday cakes to celebrate our birthdays. It is tradition at the Soltis house to have ice cream cakes so, that is what we both got.

Carter LOVED his cake. He was so excited to eat it, he picked up the whole thing to take a bite. However, anger quickly ensued because it was cold, frozen and too hard to get a bite out of it. We just had to cut a piece off and eat it, which was definitely okay with Carter.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Travelin' Man

We made a trip back to Kansas City for President's Day weekend. We flew to KC on Friday night and stayed through Monday. We were able to see some friends, go to BB's and spend a day at the farm with Great Grandma Helen. We love that we have been able to get back to KC often to see the grandparents. It is very important to us.

Whenever we head to the farm now, a 4-wheeler ride is definitely on the list of to-dos for Carter. He still loved it and would have ridden it all afternoon if we'd let him. This trip also included some duck rangling.

I think Carter also fell more in love with Great Grandma Helen when he got a bite of chocolate mousse pie from her. Carter definitely has a sweet tooth. The only problem with that is that he gets a little crazy with sugar on board.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You have to Crawl before you can Walk

Now that Carter is pulling up on EVERYTHING, he has decided crawling the regular way will get him to everything much faster. He looks pretty cute doing it, especially when he crawls away. :) He definitely has to be watched even closer now that he is faster.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras isn't for a few more days, but we enjoyed celebrating it early with a dinner party at the house with the neighbors. We have lots of beads leftover from the couple times Scott and I have been to New Orleans, and Carter loved them. He also loved hanging out and eating at the table with the big kids. It was a great night of eating, Trivial Pursuit and a little Just Dance 3.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I want for the Giants

We can't believe football season is already over, but it ended with a great Superbowl party at the neighbors. We made it through the whole game and even came home with a little extra money.

Carter sported two different outfits this day because the first was dirty before we even made it to the party. He had fun watching the game and the neighbors go crazy when their team won. He also definitely likes holding on to and throwing the fooball.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snow Day

Even though Carter was still getting over being sick, we couldn't pass up the chance to show him the two feet of snow we got at the house. We went out long enough for him to sit in the snow for a few minutes and eat a little too. Next year we will have to invest in a real snow suit, that is waterproof, for him.