Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homo Erectus

Carter pulls up to stand at everything now. He isn't making many moves to walk yet, but loves to pull up to anything in range. He is already very fast when crawling, so we definitely need to enjoy that stage before he takes off running soon. Also, please excuse the mess behind him, we were cleaning out all the clothes he has recently outgrown.

Sick Baby

Fortunately for us, Carter has not been sick at all since the day he was born. This week changed that. Poor Carter had had a runny nose all weekend which progressed to a bad case of croup and an ear infection this week.

We went to the doctor on Monday and Carter had to be put on some steroids and antibiotics. He is now doing better, but it has been a rough recovery. We were home three days with him. We are so thankful he hasn't been sick until now, but this has definitely been rough. It was not fun to watch him struggle to breath. So glad we are almost past it and hopeful we won't have to do this again anytime soon.

Had to take some pics to document that he actually was sick in his first year. Definitely not his normal smiling self.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Whose toys are these?

It is and has been a hard lesson for Eddie to learn that all of the toys are not his now. He still tries to steal one every once in a while. Eddie keeps a close watch on Carter to make sure there isn't one he might just want to give him.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

TEN Months Old

Carter you are TEN months old. Where has the time gone????

Carter at ten months you:

-are getting longer. You are growing out of clothes fast lately.
-are in a size 4 diaper.
-are still in, but quickly moving out of, 12mth clothes.
-still have bright blue eyes.
-are VERY quick moving now. You can get to just about anything you want...fast.
-don't have any more teeth that we know of, but we think you are working on your 1 year molars. You chew on your finger like crazy lately.
-don't take a bottle any more. You just have a straw cup at daycare now.
-still love your lion and HAVE to have it to sleep.
-can pull up to a stand, including in your bed, so we need to lower your mattress.
-have your own water bottle.
-point at everything.
-still don't say any words but you grunt to get our attention.
-LOVE hummus.
-might be allergic to kiwi. We are still trying to figure that out.
-love to play with the door stops.
-are getting hard to take pictures of because you are constantly on the move.
-have a dog that always like to be in your face.
-are sleeping through the night. Yea!!
-might be the cutest kid ever, but we are a little biased.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

National Western

We took Carter to his first rodeo at the National Western ths year. It was a full rodeo, so he got to see everything from bull riding to mutton bustin' (something he may have to do some day). He was only mildly interested, but did great considering it was a little around his nap time.

Carter was way more interested in the animals when we walked around to see the livestock. We got to see cows, sheep, yaks and horses. We were a little disappointed we didn't get to see any pigs. It is Carter's favortie animal noise lately so we were hoping we could hear/see one. Maybe next time.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Future Ice Fisherman

Carter heard that Scott has been going ice fishing lately. So, he decided to put on his hat to see if he could talk Scott into letting him go also.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Its-a Nice-a Place

Luigi Troy just wanted to stop in and say...Whats-a matter you, you gotta no respect.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Playoffs? Playoffs?

Although the Broncos lost to New England in the playoffs, Carter has still been sporting his sweatshirt (courtesy of Edie) the past two weeks.